The plastic strap allows you to strengthen the packaging and ensure its binding. The strap is also available in a printed version.
If placed around the packaging it is a valid anti-burglary tool as if the package is opened it cannot be closed with the same type of strap.
The strapping of the boxes can take place in 4 different ways shown in the lower list.
1) Method with manual strapping tool and seals
It is a very economical system, suitable for those who have to occasionally send some boxes, but it is rarely used as it is cumbersome and requires the use of metal seals.
The operator must pass the strap around the box, apply the metal seal, manually board, taking care not to pull too much to avoid damaging the product and then squeeze the seal, again using the strap tensioner.
The seal is not always well accepted by those who receive it as it is unsightly and can be scratched.

2) Semi-automatic method with banquet strapping machine
This method involves the use of a banquet strapping machine, on which the operator places the cardboard box.
The strapping machine “launches” a pre-set quantity of strap, leaving it available to the operator who only has to take it, pass it around the box and insert it into a slot on the desk.
The strapping machine automatically pulls, welds, cuts and relaunches the strap.
The box is then ready to be labeled and packed and shipped.
The tension of the strap is easily adjusted by the operator using a knob (in the manual versions) or via a potentiometer in the strapping machines for electrical boxes.

3) Semi-automatic method with arch strapping machine
The semiautomatic version is usually equipped with an idle roller table.
The operator must then slide the box under the arch and press a button or pedal.
The strapping machine then carries out the strapping, cutting, welding of the strap and the relaunch.
It is thus ready again for the next strapping.

4) Automatic method with arch strapping machine
The automatic model is usually used in automatic lines with conveyor belts and positioning takes place by means of a motorized belt positioned on the strapping machine bench.
Photocells allow the box to be positioned so that the pre-set number of ties is made.
Subsequently the box is automatically unloaded on a motorized unloading roller conveyor to be subsequently labeled or palletized.

Both methods involve the use of a strapping machine with an arch.
In this case, the strapping machine “throws” the strap into the arch and waits for the box to be positioned on the bench.
Choosing the right strap and the right strapping machine is essential to avoid having a machine damaged by poor quality material and to make a safe and aesthetically beautiful packaging to look at.
The right strapping machine and the right strap greatly reduce consumption, production time and machine stops.
We invite you to contact us for further information and personalized advice by writing an email to OR by calling 01732123.