Stainless steel cabinets and tables

Stainless steel tables and cabinets for the collection and storage of products and raw materials. The rotary tables allow to collect the products exiting the packaging machines in packaging lines. Instead, the work tables and shelves serve as a support and storage surface for equipment, food and ready meals in laboratories, kitchens, canteens or hospitals.

The rotating accumulation table is generally used in the final part of the packaging lines and facilitates the unloading of the packages; thus facilitating the picking operations by the operator. Rotating tables in stainless steel The stainless steel accumulation tables exist in a concave and convex version (suitable for accumulating […]

Stainless steel rotating accumulation tables

The stainless steel shelves and cabinets allow the safe storage of dishes, ready meals, cooking utensils, tools or equipment.They are made of high quality AISI 304 stainless steel, according to the sanitary and food hygiene standards in force. Due to their characteristics they are particularly suitable for use in the […]

Shelves and cabinets in stainless steel

Stainless steel work benches are essential in the food or hospital sector to ensure compliance with the health and hygiene standards in force. They are normally used to support or store dishes, ready meals, kitchen utensils, tools or equipment. All models are made of high quality AISI 304 stainless steel […]

Work benches in stainless steel