Professional electric hot air blowers

Here is a descriptive list of possible applications and uses of portable professional hot air blowers:

  1. Packaging: Electric heat shrinkers can be used to seal and shrink films around packaged products. This is widely used in industries such as food packaging, beverages, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, electronics, and more. Shrinking film creates a secure and protective wrapping around the product.
  2. Electronic Repair:Electrical shrink testers are essential tools for repairing electronic components. They can be used to remove and replace heat shrink tubing, insulation, and retractable tubing around cables, connectors, and solder.
  3. Electrical Wiring: In the electrical and electronics industry, heat shrink tubing is used to insulate and protect electrical connections. Heat shrink tubing is heated around wires and connections, creating a seal that is resistant to moisture and external agents.
  4. Modeling: Shrink shrinkers are widely used in modeling to create coatings and details on models, such as airplane fuselages, automobile fairings, or ship parts. They can be used to shrink and shape heat shrink materials used in model making.
  5. Crafts: Shrink shrinkers are widely used in crafts and jewelry making. They can be used to create heat-shrink jewelry, seal and protect materials, and achieve special effects on art projects.
  6. Electrical Pipe Repair:Shrinkers are effective tools for repairing protective conduit of electrical pipes. By heating the conduit, repair of cracks, breaks, or damaged pipe protection can be carried out.
  7. Shrinking Handles: Heat shrinkers can be used to apply heat shrinkable handles to tools, utensils, and grips. This provides an ergonomic, non-slip and heat-resistant grip


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Hot air blower with gradual temperature regulation. The FP REG 2200 blower, equipped with a practical case, can be used to weld plastic materials, form, heat-shrink, dry, heat.


– Overheating protection;
– Safe use with the tool in an upright position;
– Perfectly balanced;
– Regulation of temperature and air flow;
– Non-slip Soft Grip handle;
– Ergonomic design.

Power supply (V)220 (monophase)
Power (W)2200
Airflow (l/min)250-500
Temperature (°C)60-650
Weight880 gr.
Size (mm)250 x 100 x 285 h.

As for the more powerful line hot air blowers, they can be used for more demanding applications or industrial scale work.

They can handle larger sizes, thicker materials and require more electrical power.

These line professional hot air blowers are mainly used in industries such as manufacturing, large-scale packaging and industrial processing.


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The new TRIAC ST/AT is mainly used for welding and plastic materials processing. It’s suitable to be used for purposes outside, inside, covers, banners, civil engineering and industrial, flooring, heat shrinking of packaging. The new model differs in manageability, reliability, and balance. The extraordinary component handle provides a perfect grip to the user. The protective tube is equipped with the active cooling system for added security.  

Air filters can be removed and cleaned in a very simple way, allowing optimal air flow and excellent performance. 

The model TRIAC ST has adjustable temperature from 40° to 700° C
The model TRIAC ST AT is equipped with a digital display and adjustable temperature from 40° to 650° C.

Supply  230V
Power consumption1600W
Temperature40-700°C ST e 40-650° AT
Air flow ( 20°C )230, l/min
Pressure staticPa3000 (30 mbar)
Noise emission level LpA65dB
Size (L x W x H)340 x 90, handle Ø 56
Weight1.4 kg


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High flow hot air blower with maximum air volume of 930/960 l/min and maximum power of 3700/4700 W. Temperature and air flow continuously adjustable via potentiometers. Quiet and suitable for applications where heating, drying, forming, shrinking, welding, etc. are required. Electronically adjustable temperature from 20 to 650°C.

Tension230V400 V
Power3700 W4700 W
Frequency50/60 Hz50/60 Hz
Temperature max 650 °C650 °C
Minimum air flow400 l/min400 l/min
Air flow at 20°C930 l/min960 l/min
Maximum temperature with maximum air flow440 °C480 °C
Static pressure450 Pa450 Pa
Outlet nozzlediam. mm 62diam. mm 62
Dimensions (mm)332 × 138 × 180 h mm360 × 138 × 180 h mm
Weight (Kg)2,83,1

As a further alternative to the electric hot air blowers, we can provide GAS heat shrinkers, which are more powerful but also have a higher hazard level.

Our technicians are available to help you choose the right model for your needs.

We talked about heat shrinkers, portable, heat, 650 °C, packaging, electronics repair, electrical wiring, model making, crafts, jewelry, pipe repair, shrink handles, consulting, technical assistance, power, professional, industry, sealing, insulation, protection, shrinking, professional electric heat shrinkers, hot air blowers, Professional hot air blowers

We also answered the following questions:

  1. What are hand-held shrink blowers?
  2. What are professional electric air blowers for?
  3. What are the possible applications of shrink wrappers?
  4. What does it mean that shrink wrappers can heat up to 650°C?
  5. What advantages do you offer in terms of consultancy and technical assistance?
  6. What are the differences between portable and line hot air blowers?
  7. In which industries are shrink wrappers commonly used?
  8. What are the possible uses of heat shrinkers in model making and crafts?
  9. How can heat shrinkers be used for electrical pipe repair?
  10. What are some keywords related to hot air blowers and their features?

We invite you to contact us for further information and personalized advice by writing an email to OR by calling 01732123.

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